Loknstore Decluttering Your Home Office

November 14, 2008

The LoknStore Household & Business Self Storage guide to decluttering your home or office.

It should be your sanctuary of productivity, the place to create, build and plan that next project. The home office is an important part of your daily life, but keeping it organized and clutter-free can be a project in itself.

Feng shui experts encourage us to create a clutter-free zone because it saps energy, reduces productivity, and can even trigger depression. If you find yourself becoming distracted, unfocused, or losing your motivation while working from home, you might be ready for a major decluttering session. Here are seven ways to clean up the home office and push your productivity into high gear:

1. Create a ‘later’ pile. When you have tons of incoming mail, printed e-mails to glean over, or a stack of catalogues to browse through, you’ll need this ‘later’ pile. This can be stored on a bookshelf or even on the floor and is your official to-do-later collection. When you’re sorting your incoming mail, just put all non-time-sensitive items in this pile and work your way through it on a free day.

2. Use book bins. If you’re an avid collector of books and magazines, skip the shelf and store them in book bins instead. Book bins give you a chance to sort by subject or topic, so all of your books are organized into categories for easy access.

3. Don’t make room for a junk drawer. The junk drawer or ‘miscellaneous’ drawer sounds like a good idea at first but can easily become overloaded with odds and ends you never find when you need them. ‘Every item has a place’ will need to be your new mantra – stick with it!

4. Make sure you can see your desk. Piles of papers, folders, books can easily clutter up your desk space and make it difficult to function. When the physical space in front of you is crowded with clutter, your brain might experience a similar overload. Clear up your desk space for some breathing room; and peace of mind.

5. Aim for a paperless office. Invoices, files, letters, and other documents can be stored electronically and backed up with ease. Keep your office as paper-free as possible so you have fewer files and documents to worry about – you’ll also save a few trees in the process.

6. Drop into your local Lok’nStore Household & Business self Storage centre and rent one of our many sized storage units. Give us a call on 0800 587 3322 to find your nearest centre or have a look at our business storage website.

Posted in: Self-storage