With the job situation as it is at the moment, many people are looking for new ways to make money. Some people are looking for ways to make extra cash on the side and others are looking to make a living from selling goods online. To this end,eBay is a platform that more and more people have been able to take advantage of.
Most eBay sellers started out because they wanted to declutter their home. Rather than sending their unused belongings to charity shops or flinging them into the tip, many people are now opting to make some cash for themselves by selling it on to someone who can really benefit from it. One mans junk is another man's treasure as they say. After all, people are reusing goods much more often than they used to. It’s a win-win situation really – the customer gets something that they can enjoy whilst you get to earn some cash and declutter your home at the same time.
A huge number of households just don’t realise that their home has a lot of hidden value tucked away in it, but there really is serious money to be made here. It can be a really rewarding process for you to watch the pounds quickly add up, especially when you start profiting from stuff that was simply picking up dust just a few days ago.
What Sells Best?
If you think you have goods to sell but aren’t sure if it’s worth giving eBay a go then this guide on what sells best might be able to help you out. If you’re undecided about what to throw out and what to keep, then stick to the simple 12-month rule – if you’ve not used it in over a year, flog it!
- Job Lots
If you’ve got heaps of similar items and want to save time it might be a good idea to consider selling them as a bundle. This works really well with products like baby clothes or ornaments.
- Items With Strong Keywords
When you are selecting items to put up on eBay it is important to keep in mind what users will be searching for. Ask yourself the question “can I see someone searching for this” and you will come to your answer. Remember, it’s more likely people will search for a ‘Fred Perry Shirt’ rather than just a ‘shirt’. Buyers on eBay love branded items and just because you think it is out of fashion, does not mean others will.
- New Items
New items are likely to sell quicker than most. The types of things that sell best are unopened goods and clothes with the tags still intact (even better if they state a higher price than you are selling it for).
- Branded Goods
Most people will pay good money for branded products. This doesn’t only relate to clothing either. If you’re selling tools then the buyer is much more likely to opt for the well-known brand rather than a bog-standard ‘drill’.
- Rare Products
If you have something that is rare or difficult to get hold of it is likely to sell well. These products and items may take a little longer to sell but people will often pay much more money for them. Collectors are always prowling eBay for undervalued bargains.
Make A Living
If you’ve been pretty successful with the whole “declutter your house” route then you might want to start making a living from it. There are tons of different ways to start a proper business simply by selling goods online. One of the many ways you can start by not spending a huge amount of start-up money is to go to auctions and vintage sales. This way you can buy goods for a discounted price and then sell them on for a profit.
A lot of people with a keen eye for detail will know exactly what to look out for and even use charity shops to attain goods to sell on. However, storage does tend to become an issue. Although eBay is usually fast-moving, some things will take longer than others to sell, and if you need to sell enough stuff to make a proper living out of it then you will need somewhere convenient and cheap enough not to eat into your margin to store all your products and items.
Have a look at our self-storage, it is a great way to control your stock so it doesn’t cramp up your home, it is affordable and easily accessible too. Unlike traditional warehousing, there are no business rates to pay either.
Posted in: Self-storage