If you’re going travelling for a year or taking some time out of your work to explore the world, there are lots of practical considerations to be looked at before you jet off. The first thing that you did, was probably to look at brochures and travel websites, and book your plane tickets (essentially, the exciting bits!), but now you need to think about what will happen to everything you are leaving behind. If you live in rented accommodation, you only need to worry about your possessions, and making sure that you give your landlord an adequate period of notice before you leave.
If you own your own house or flat, you will probably need to rent it out whilst you are away to make sure that you meet your mortgage payments every month. Whatever your situation, you will need to move your furniture and personal belongings into a self-storage space whilst you are away to keep them safe until you return, and want them back. Using a Lok’nStore self-storage space is extremely easy – there are locations all over the south-east, and you should easily be able to find one that is close to you. Look online to view our modern facilities – we have a wide range of self-storage spaces available that vary in size and height, depending on what you need. Visit us at loknstore.co.uk for a self-storage space near you, but call us on 0800 587 3322 for advice if you’re not sure what size space you will need.
At Lok’nStore, we can also sell you low-cost packing materials to protect your precious items. We sell a selection of boxes and bubble wrap (amongst others) and remember to buy a big roll of parcel tape and a marker pen! Try and fill each box as full as you can, to prevent the contents rattling around and being damaged when it is loaded and unloaded from the van. Label each box clearly with its contents, and write on more than one side – of your boxes are stacked with the labels facing away, you’ll have no idea what’s in them if you just want to remove a couple later on!
So that’s it. You’re all packed and ready to go; what more is there to say… Oh yes. Have fun!
Posted in: Self-storage