Self storage at Lok’nStore helps businesses stay nimble

September 8, 2008

Self-storage for Business Storage

At Lok’nStore we’ve always had more than our fair share of business storage customers. This is partly because our centres have larger units and partly because we offer so many free services to all our storage customers – which particularly benefit our business storage customers – two very good examples being (i) accepting deliveries (f.o.c) and (ii) free trolleys and forklifts.

But the best thing for businesses is flexibility. This can work in many advantageous ways for business storage customers because they only have to pay for space that they use and they can increase this or decrease it very short notice. Businesses can therefore accommodate seasonal changes and they can grow at their own pace without committing to big/fixed warehouse costs.

The other advantage is that there are no facility or service charges and no utility costs.

Lastly, our business storage customers who find the Lok’nStore friendly service most useful are those who realise that they need no further personnel costs.

Check out our other storage locations.

Posted in: Storage Miscellany